BioMedical Engineering (BME Paris) Master
Ile-de-France, France
24 months













The BME-Paris Master's program is designed to provide a 2-year education program in the field of bioengineering, at the cross-road of biomedical and engineering sciences. It results from a partnership between Université PSL, Université de Paris and Arts-et-Métiers ParisTech.

This master's degree is part of the graduate programs in Engineering (ISAI) and Life Sciences.

Based on this unique partnership, this Master's is founded on an educational policy that favors interdisciplinarity and students’ initiative as well as international perspective. This policy is supported by the top-level and complementary expertise and know-how of the three partners: engineering sciences in the three engineering schools within PSL (École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL, ESPCI Paris - PSL, MINES Paris - PSL, ENS - PSL and Institut Curie) and Arts-et-Métiers ParisTech, on the one hand, and biomedical and health sciences at Université de Paris, on the other. 
Teaching faculty is mostly from the partner institutions. Guest lecturers include hospital clinicians (APHP), and researchers from other schools and universities as well as from private companies (e.g. GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Renault, Sanofi, Thalès, Materialise Medical, …).

Learning outcomes

The BME-Paris Master's degree offers a program of excellence intended for students with a wide variety of backgrounds (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering as well as medicine, pharmacy and other health sciences…). The overarching goals of the Master's are:
1) to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields, and
2) to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, that will eventually bridge the existing "culture gap" between the corresponding professions. 
While the second year (M2) offers five specialization tracks, the first year (M1) is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. Students are advised in their individual choices of teaching units, to bring them up to date on the fundamental science subjects they may not have acquired through their previous studies (eg physiology and anatomy for engineering students, or signal processing and mechanics for biology or medical students).

Available tracks

In M1, there is a single track, with customized choices of teaching units according to students’ backgrounds.
The M2 offers 5 tracks: 

•    M2 Bioimaging (BIM)
•    M2 BioMaterials and BioDevices (BioMAT) 
•    M2 BioMechanics (BioMECH)
•    M2 Molecular and Cellular Biotherapies (MCB)
•    M2 Bioengineering and Innovation in Neurosciences (BIN)

Who should apply?

Bachelors from almost all scientific fields (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering as well as medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and other health sciences…), graduates from the PSL CPES, students from ENS - PSL and the PSL engineering schools. Residents in medical, dental and pharmacy schools, ENS and engineering students may apply directly to the 2nd year (M2), as well as students who have validated an M1 in a relevant field. International students may also apply directly to the M2, provided they have already obtained a Master’s degree (exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis).


•    PhD in a field related to the M2 track followed by the student, in academia or jointly with a company (CIFRE PhDs).
•    R&D positions in large companies or startups, in almost all activity biomedical and biotech sectors.
•    Continuing medical or pharmacy school, or accessing it ("passerelle"), in either 2nd or 3rd year.
•    Business programs in biotech management (ESCP, EM Lyon / Centrale Supelec…)

The program is linked to a wide network of research labs at the partner institutions and beyond:
•    Université de Paris  (e.g. Cognac-G, Centre de Neurophysique, Physiologie et Pathologie, Unité de Toxicologie, Pharmacologie et Signalisation Cellulaire, Centre de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences …)
•    ENS - PSL(e.g. Institut de Biologie de l’ENS, Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, Laboratoire PASTEUR…)
•    ESPCI Paris - PSL (e.g. Laboratoire Plasticité du Cerveau,…)
•    Institut Curie 
•    Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
•    École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL (e.g. Physico-chimie des Surfaces, Métallurgie Structurale, Chimie Organométallique et Catalyse de Polymérisation)
•    MINES Paris - PSL (e.g. Centre des Matériaux, Centre de Mise en Forme)
•    Arts et Métiers ParisTech (Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak)
•    Telecom ParisTech
•    Neurospin (Saclay)
•    EPFL (Lausanne)
•    Columbia University, Department of Biomedical Engineering (New York)
•    Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU, Chine)


In Master 1, there is a single track.

It is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. All teaching units are offered at two levels: basic and advanced. Students are advised in their individual choices of teaching units, to bring them up to date on the fundamental science subjects they may not have acquired through their previous studies (eg physiology and anatomy for engineering students, or signal processing and mechanics for biology or medical students), or to go deeper into subjects they would like to pursue in their M2 specialization track.

In Master 2, five specialization tracks are offered:

•    M2 Bioimaging (BIM)
Bioimaging is an exciting and growing field overlapping the interfaces of engineering, mathematics and computer sciences, as well as chemistry, physics, life sciences, and medicine. The main goal of bioimaging is to improve human health by using imaging modalities to advance diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human diseases.
The BIM track offers high-level interdisciplinary education and training supported by the complementary skills of Université de Paris, PSL and the partner school Telecom ParisTech. A large network of research laboratories provides students access to industrial and experimental imaging systems that utilize innovative technologies.
The BIM track offers a dual degree with the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University (New York).

•    M2 BioMaterials and BioDevices (BioMAT)
Biomaterials research and development currently not only encompasses, but extends far beyond the field of prosthetics design. Remarkable opportunities for the biomedical field have emerged from the recent progress in the understanding, characterization, and manipulation of biological materials. Design, control, and modelling of biological, bio-sourced, biocompatible, and biomimetic materials are central to numerous biomedical innovations ranging from therapeutic approaches in the field of regenerative medicine to industrial processes.
The BioMAT track provides scientists, engineers, and medical students with the wherewithal to face the numerous challenges of biomaterials R&D; how to apply their skills in order to solve specific biomedical problems, how to carry out innovative and fruitful research with the appropriate methods and ethical considerations, how to collaborate and interact in projects at the interface among materials, biomedical science, and medicine. It is accessible to engineering and life-science students (materials science, physics, chemistry, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and biology) preparing for career paths in academic research or industrial R&D environments.
The program provides students in-depth knowledge of the understanding and use of biomaterials, from nanoscale biomolecules, such as proteins, lipids, and synthetic polymers to macroscale prostheses, orthesis, and implants. This education relies on a rich combination of high-level lectures, conferences and exchanges with invited experts and interdisciplinary group projects. From all these experiences, the students will learn how to apply their skills on health-related applications ranging from implant and tissue engineering through the modelling and characterization of biological materials to material design for therapeutics.

•    M2 BioMechanics (BioMECH)
The BioMechanics (BioMECH) provides fundamental tools and in-depth knowledge on the biomedical applications of mechanics and related fields. (BioMECH) education and training focus on recent and anticipated developments in biomechanics that hold promise for innovative solutions to major health problems and that respond to industrial challenges.
 The lectures, team projects, case studies, and engineering and medical invited conferences by academic and industrial experts enable students to benefit from a stimulating and multidisciplinary environment. This program provides scientists, engineers, and medical students with the wherewithal to face the numerous challenges of biomechanics R&D; how to apply their skills in order to solve specific biomedical problems, how to carry out innovative and fruitful research with the appropriate methods and ethical considerations, how to collaborate and interact in projects at the interfaces among mechanics, materials, and biomedical science.

•    M2 Molecular and Cellular Biotherapies (MCB)
The MCB track concerns two major categories of biotherapeutics applications: cell and gene therapy, and biopharmaceuticals. Cell and gene therapy differs from drug therapy in that it concerns the use of 'custom or "à la carte" therapeutic agents created for a individual patients, a domain in which few manufacturers operate. Biopharmaceuticals are complex macromolecules created by biotechnology, and involve genetic manipulation of living organisms, which differ from conventional chemically synthesized small molecules.
The specific pharmacological and immunological features of biotherapy products, considered to constitute a new generation of drugs, are studied in conjunction with the characteristics of target populations, clinical follow-up, and biological monitoring. The aim of this track is to train students of advanced scientific level in the field of biotherapy in order to prepare for careers in academia. These students may also find opportunities in industry at the national, European, and international level, particularly in biotechnology and medical research laboratories in teaching hospitals, as well as in cell and gene therapy firms.

•    M2 Bioengineering and Innovation in Neurosciences (BIN)
Our ambition is that through courses, seminars, social events, conferences and collaborative interactions, BIN students will contribute to bridge the gap between basic, clinical, and engineering neuroscience. We believe it is a key issue for both industry and medicine in the 21st century, because of:

  • aging of the world population, which will considerably increase the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases, and more generally of sensory and motor handicaps. 
  • strong demands from a broadening range of industries, way beyond the biomedical ones, including aviation, automobile, sports, and videogames. There is an increasing need to understand how humans interact with their environments in general and with the new complex working environments of today in particular (human factor). Many industries will thus require engineers with both good engineering skills and basic knowledge of neurophysiology.
  • the requirement of integrative methods and concepts, from the behavioral to the molecular level, to understand how the central nervous system functions, and can be repaired and enhanced. The neurosciences thus illustrate well the interdisciplinarity that lies at the heart of biomedical engineering, because they strongly require the collaboration of doctors and engineers, combining many different skills, in optics, electronics, informatics, robotics, physiology, ergonomy, chemistry...






Prerequisites (M1)

Most Bachelor's degrees of sciences (particularly, but not restricted to, life and health sciences, engineering, chemistry, physics, mechanics, mathematics, computer science), CPES PSL (Sciences Track).

Prerequisites (M2)

Residents in medical, dental and pharmacy schools, ENS - PSL and engineering students may apply directly to the 2nd year (M2), as well as students who have validated an M1 in a relevant field. International students may also apply directly to the M2, provided they have already obtained a Master’s degree (exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis). The prerequisites will depend on the specific M2 track that a student applies to. Students should indicate and rank two track choices, which will be examined successively.

Language requirements